October Newsletter


Just want to remind you guys how awesome y’all are.  Entering the sleepy season for fitness and the gym itself, just remember to keep your goals in mind and also that Muay Thai isn’t a trend, but a lifestyle.  Keep living it!

Re:  Merch

Thank you to everyone that pre-order their merch-  the demand was overwhelming and quite frankly unexpected.  As of today (10/15/2018) please allow us another week to start delivering the merch.  Please understand that the sweaters take a bit of time to get stitch hence, the delay, but items should start getting shipped out soon and handed out at the gym.  Thank you all for your patience and never ending support. :]

re:  Halloween Pub Crawl

OCT 27th  MEET AT THE GYM AT 6 PM and we’ll head over to culver city for our 2nd annual MARTIAL ARTS THEMED halloween pub-crawl.  Last year we had a blast and looking to have some more fun this year.  Don’t be a debbie downer and show up in your regular clothes.  have some fun and use your imagination.  Hope to see y’all there!


October Class Curriculum:

10/1-10/6:  Q+A

10/8-10/13:  attacking forward + attacking backwards

10/15-10/20:  attacking from angles

10/22-10/27:  HELLbows :B

10/29-11/3:  drilling week (please bring shin pads to class)


CIAO! xo