We had some giggles at first, but shit got serious real quick.
That said, in accordance with the city mandate to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we, The Thai Boxing Institute ,will be temporarily closed effective tomorrow, Monday March 16th and will remain closed through March 31st.
I ask those of you who are financially able to stick with us in these difficult times to continue your memberships.
This support does not go unrecognized and we’ll be sure to find our way of saying thanks when this crisis is over.
If our closure extends past March, I will place all of our members’ accounts on freeze.
If you would like to cancel your membership instead, you are well within your rights, but understandably please note that you will forfeit your current membership price.
In times of crisis, we turn to family, friends, and the things that ground us.
The gym is that to all of us, and though it had been my hope to provide a place where we can prioritize our health when we all need it the most, we must prioritize the safety of the entire community.
We want to have all of our community back strong and healthy.
We aim to re-open on April 1st. I will continue to share updates on Instagram/FB our website and e-mail.
I appreciate your support, patience, and understanding during these uncertain times.
Much love and appreciation. Thank you for being a part of our community.