Muay Thai is known as the martial art where you kick and defend with your shins.
When we learn to block with our shins, what you’re trying to do is develop the reflex to lift your leg to defend against the kick, rather than blocking it with your arm.
Beginner instinct is often to reach out, or block the kick, with your arm, but this isn’t a good defense strategy, as it leaves your head, a very vulnerable target, open for strikes.
Why is this important?
✔️. Learning to block with your shin keeps your defense tight, and head protected.
Techniques covered:
⚡️. Lead Leg Straight Check
⚡️. Rear Leg Straight Check
⚡️. Lead Leg Cross Check
⚡️. Rear Leg Cross Check
Practice these four combinations back to back for a total of a 3 min round. 📈
Combo 1: Jab – Lead Leg Check – Right Knee Counter
Combo 2: Jab – Rear Leg Check – Right Knee Counter
Combo 3: Jab – Lead Cross Check – Right Knee Counter
Combo 4: Jab – Rear Cross Check – Right Knee Counter
Common Mistakes:
✖️. Don’t drop your hands when checking kicks.
💡. It’s one thing to defend, but the goal is to learn to defend AND counter.