March Newsletter



Thank you for your continued support this last year. Incredible right?!?! I hope everyone is in good health and safe. Not a whole lot to say but we still out here! CHYEA!

and thank you all for taking the survey! Appreciate it much!!!

TBI Friendship Appreciation Day BBQ

When:  Sunday March 14th 2021 

Time:  11 AM-???

Where:  Clover Park 

2600 Ocean Park Blvd, 

Santa Monica, CA 90405

What to bring:  I’ll be providing food but if you want to bring something to share please do!  Maybe bring a blanket or something to picnic on?

Sign up sheet at the gym near dressing room.

Coming up on a year of our ‘shut down’, I’m was hoping we can set aside some time to go outside and enjoy each other’s company and friendship in a way to celebrate our appreciation and show some gratitude to each other and the community.

Come through!  Old members, new members, friends family and significant others are all welcomed.

Hope to see you there!

March Curriculum

3/1-3/6:  Footwork

3/8-3/13:  Head Movement

3/15-3/20:  Switch Kick

3/22-3/27:  Switch Techniques