Feinting Jab Review Workout Guide

As always, we still meet up Mon-Thurs at 6 pm on facebook and video chat and watch fights together if you guys are feeling lonely or missing the other gym members come by and say hi! 


New Warmups:

Stick drill for rotation development

Stick drill with footwork modifier

Technique Review:

Tabata Interval Workout:



If possible:

3-4 mile run warm up (every other day)((Ex:  M-W-F))

10 minute skipping rope


5 minute static stretch 


Dynamic warm ups/Stretch:

Stick work one round (3 min 30 second break)

Technique practice: 

Feinting the jab into boxing combos and Muay Thai Combos. (See ‘Walking Drill’ video above)

Combo 1:  Feint Jab + Jab, Cross  

Combo 2: Feint Jab + Jab, Jab, Cross 

Combo 3: Feint Jab + Cross

Combo 4:  Feint Jab to Right Knee

Combo 5:  Feint Jab to Switch Knee

Combo 6:  Feint Jab to Right Push Kick

Combo 7:  Feint Jab to Left Push Kick

2 tabata interval rounds shadow box (see Tabata Video Above)

Wrap up with:

100 alternating push kicks against:  solid wall, door frame, tree or any other solid inanimate object.

5 minute static stretch.

10 minutes silent meditation.
